Doubt that Ophelia had an attic, although that wouldn't be out of keeping with Hamlet and the general theme of depression. I'm assuming that won't be the tone of this blog, however. Unless things go horribly wrong...

29 October 2006

And as Dante stood on the edge of the inferno...

The trip to Brussels was definitely a success. Possibly the most peaceful place I've ever been to that's also a seriously important capital city. Thought it was just the Sunday effect when I got there last week, but turned out that's just what the place is like. All the pedestrianised bits help, of course. Also the lack of people I was obliged to talk to. There is much truth in the idea that hell is other people who want me to do things (okay, so the first part of that isn't original).

A few seriously exciting moments:
1. Finding Dali's 'Temptation of St Anthony' in the Musee des Beaux Artes.
2. Listening to a choir practise in the cathedral.
3. The quayside in Ghent, which is one of the prettiest places in the world.

Brussels has a huge number of zebra crossings and touristy signposts - good thing. Some of the signposts don't point the right way and it's quite hard to identify individual buildings - bad thing. However, on the whole, a reasonably stress-free place to navigate.

The unjoy of the prospect of school tomorrow. Now that our GTP guy's returned to his own school, I have six extra lessons to teach, three of which are brats who'll need to be sat upon like a wary elephant on a carnivorous mouse. The other three are year 10, who I need to train to my way of doing things, because I've got them for the next two years. Sigh. Still, will be nice to see everyone.

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