Doubt that Ophelia had an attic, although that wouldn't be out of keeping with Hamlet and the general theme of depression. I'm assuming that won't be the tone of this blog, however. Unless things go horribly wrong...

29 December 2006

Mayor Uses Public Transport - Exclusive!

Okay, I actually have something interesting to record today.

Was coming back from Finchley Road on the Jubilee at about four. Opposite me was a grey-haired man with two small children and two teenagers. He had his coat pulled up over his face - one of those snowy weather big collar jobs. He also had the most awful cold (watching Mrs Henderson - think I've picked up her diction). Anyway, thought this odd, particularly as the half of his face that I could actually see looked a lot like Ken Livingstone.

He was eventually left with the two near-toddlers, one of whom was immersed in a book, the other had a snit and threw hers on the floor. Anyway, I've just looked up his kids' names and it turns out that it actually was Red Ken! Having a 2-year old daughter called Mia is reasonably distinctive.

Question is, what the hell was he doing using public transport to get to Willesden Green? Nice to see he thinks he needs to disguise himself, though.

1 comment:

David Reece said...

I hope he was using Oyster.