Doubt that Ophelia had an attic, although that wouldn't be out of keeping with Hamlet and the general theme of depression. I'm assuming that won't be the tone of this blog, however. Unless things go horribly wrong...

21 August 2005

Lazing on a Sunday afternoon

I was woken up this morning by two texts, a phone call, screaming children outside and my flatmates making a hell of a lot of noise, as per usual. Obviously there were half hour intervals between these. Reasons not to live with other people:

1. They're inevitably pedantically neat or not tidy enough in comparison to your own habits.
2. They leave random things in the living room (such as snare drums).
3. They take up vast amounts of space in the fridge, freezer and shoe rack.
4. You have to put up with their hordes of relations staying just in case you ever want anyone to stay.
5. They talk through your programmes.

However, their presence does make the rent cheaper. I've about an hour and a half before needing to think about going out. Watching the film version of A Midsummer Night's Dream. It's not thrilling me at the moment, but then I was never keen on the comedies anyway. Can't complain about Rupert Everett in minimal clothing, though.

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