Doubt that Ophelia had an attic, although that wouldn't be out of keeping with Hamlet and the general theme of depression. I'm assuming that won't be the tone of this blog, however. Unless things go horribly wrong...

30 October 2005

Renewing the Flatemate cull call

Grumph. Came back from the flicks to find all my marking had been moved and put in one pile. Obnoxious Flatmate wasn't even sitting on the sofa where it'd been. Removed self crossly to room for two hours to work and listen to Robbie.

Pause. Relax. Less than two months left with the annoying buggers. Interestingly, they've managed to create enough mess for an army in the kitchen since they arrived back from Ross-on-Wye while I was out. Not that this is hypocritical or anything. No, siree (and other cowboy exclamations).

Stephen very good on Jonathan Ross last night - oddly put on with Jade Goody, whose way of describing a Brazilian wax is "waxing the lala". Didn't really say anything new, although we did learn the name of his nephew in the 'book/cool' anecdote. He managed to get one over on JR by overpowering him with his own use of compound words. I do miss his glasses, though.

Went to see Zorro on own. A small boy called Sam sat next to me and seemed to like the explosions a lot. Quite sweet. Massively broody at the moment (don't laugh, D.). Must stop planning baby names that go with Lyull's surname. Symptom of insanity and posessiveness. Arrhgh. Turning into Bridget Jones.

Had an ache in the left side of my chest since about lunchtime. Ow. Hurray, however, because the clocks go back tonight and I have an extra hour in bed in the morning.

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