Doubt that Ophelia had an attic, although that wouldn't be out of keeping with Hamlet and the general theme of depression. I'm assuming that won't be the tone of this blog, however. Unless things go horribly wrong...

27 September 2005

The aftermath of open day

Knackered. The problem with assuming that a job is yours to do is that you end up doing it. Still, so long as we keep all the stuff from the displays for next year, it shouldn't be such a problem in the future. Spent this morning (very early) backing up titles for the main display board. Was awake even earlier, thanks to Obnoxious Flatmate thumping around on his way out to a job trial in the City. He's very fortunate I didn't go out and yell at him in the manner my mind was considering.

Managed to get every parent tour group coming into my classroom to have a look. Suspect someone bribed the prefects to make my life hell. Ignored them for the most part and continued entertaining Year 8 with tales of heroes.

1 comment:

Onlinefocus Team said...

Ophelia, have you set up word verification for your comments? - it will stop some of the spam you are getting!