Doubt that Ophelia had an attic, although that wouldn't be out of keeping with Hamlet and the general theme of depression. I'm assuming that won't be the tone of this blog, however. Unless things go horribly wrong...

11 September 2005

Persona non grata... so it seems

I delayed getting up this morning. Having decided to speak to slightly saner female housemate about her obnoxious boyfriend's outburst last night, I was waiting for him to go out to work. She, however, is apparently not speaking to me. Can you imagine that these two are nearly thirty? How is this such a big deal? Some of you will remember my entries when their families were here - I might blog-moan, but I didn't say anything at all to them. I think I've been bloody accomodating these last five and a half months. Thought I might've bought myself some credit, e.g. for an undisturbed romantic dinner for two (see yesterday's first post). Buggered that up, it seems.

Cricket's going reasonably. They've just rained them off for a bit. Maybe someone will injure Shane Warne during the interval. Wouldn't that be a shame?

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