Doubt that Ophelia had an attic, although that wouldn't be out of keeping with Hamlet and the general theme of depression. I'm assuming that won't be the tone of this blog, however. Unless things go horribly wrong...

04 September 2005

Officially the hottest place in the country

Jamie came over for stew. He doesn't venture up here very often. Moaning and laziness, mainly. He'd forgotten he'd asked for stew (and soda bread), which, having spent three hours shopping and slaving proverbially over a stove, was not what I wanted to hear. Watched a reasonable film with Gael Garcia Bernal as a dodgy priest and read the Sunday Times. Interesting to see that Kanye West's taken up the race card with Bush. It's very obvious from the news pictures that most people left in NO are black. There're three hundred Britons out there too; consular staff aren't being let through. Two of my friends were out there literally a week before the hurricane hit - they've probably got some of the last pictures taken of the city as it was. Ah - some of the Brits are back. That's excellent. Can it be possible that a city in the US is having to ask for aid from NATO and the EU? Disgraceful.

Bush: "We need more manpower" - now where would that be, Georgie?

Rounding up the last few things to do before school starts properly tomorrow. I've written up a register rota, planned all four lessons and colour-coded my timetable. Could do with another holiday.


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Ophelia said...

Hey, stop spamming me. I'm not visiting crazy sites.